Plastic Pump Kits
All KEXON repair kits include genuine KEXON parts. Standard Plastic Pump(KEXON) kits for repairing 1-inch T series pumps include the following: diaphragms, valve balls, valve seat o-rings, air side gaskets and shaft glyd rings. P series standard repair kits include the same as T series, and also include the pilot sleeve assembly. Upgraded plastic pum
p kits include additional listed parts as shown in the selector menu.
How to Know When Pump Shaft or Air Valve are Needed
When a pump diaphragm ruptures, solution travels from the liquid side of the pump through the air section of the pump to where the shaft and air valve assembly are located. This is a fire alarm caliber problem! If the solution comes into contact with the pump shaft then it will likely attack the shaft and begin to cause problems. If the shaft has become subjected to attack and needs to be replaced then it is very likely the air valve needs to be replaced, too. If the pump is already going to be out of service to replace the shaft then go ahead and replace the air valve at the same time, much easier and cheaper than another pump failure.
If the pump is aluminum and PTFE fitted then choose the kits with either the aluminum valve seats or for more durability, upgrade to the stainless steel.
If the pump is stainless steel and PTFE fitted then select only the stainless steel seats.
If the pump is polypropylene then choose from the kits with the polypropylene valve seat upgrade or the PVDF valve seat upgrade.
PVDF offers extra strength, density and hardness for longer life.
If the pump is PVDF then select the kit with the PVDF valve seat upgrade.
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